SEO Articles

Here you will find all of the posts in our SEO category. Find your Roar!

Creating a Powerful SEO Strategy for 2024: A Step-by-Step Guide

To create a powerful SEO strategy for 2024: Define business goals clearly. Set specific objectives for organic traffic growth. Choose SMART goals for a robust SEO plan. Identify targeted keywords using tools like SE Ranking. Analyse competitors on Google's first page....

Improving Small Business SEO: 12 Essential Tips and Strategies

Navigating the labyrinth of the internet, you're determined to guide your small business to the front page of search results. In this article, we have what you are looking for! As you journey through the digital landscape, we'll be right there with you, offering...

The Ultimate Guide to Link Building for Plumbers

Are you a plumber looking to boost your online visibility and attract more customers? If so, you need to master the essential strategy of link building. This ultimate guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of acquiring inbound links from external domains...

Top Keywords for Plumbers and how to use them

Are you a plumber looking to boost your online presence and attract more customers? Understanding and using the top keywords for plumbers is essential for improving your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of...

A Beginners Guide To SEO For Lawyers

In today’s digitally connected world, any business that wants to succeed needs to be online. More than that, they need to be able to compete with other businesses and reach the first page of Google, where 91.5% of people will click to find what they’re looking for....

SEO for Salons – Boost Your Salon’s Online Visibility

Are you struggling to increase your salon's online visibility? Do you want to attract more clients and improve your search ranking? Look no further! In this article, we'll explore the importance of SEO for salon (Search Engine Optimisation) websites and provide...

SEO for Plumbers: The Ultimate Guide

Are you a plumber looking to increase your visibility online?  Then this guide on SEO for Plumbers is for you! SEO is the key to getting more leads and customers. But where should you start? This comprehensive guide will show you the best SEO practices for...

10 Reasons Your Business Needs The Power Of SEO

When we talk to businesses about their SEO strategy, we generally get one of three answers. Some have a defined system in place and know exactly what they’re doing – which is great! Some aren’t sure where to start, but know they need to do something to improve their...

Why Is Keyword Research So Important?

If you’re starting out down your SEO journey, or reviewing your performance, you’ve probably heard the term ‘keyword’ a fair bit. Keywords are one of the underpinning elements of both good SEO and content marketing strategies, and any professional will tell you the...

How To Make A Website Mobile-Friendly

You’ll probably see a lot of SEO companies telling you that your site should be mobile-friendly. And frankly, they’d be right. But the thing they often won’t do is tell you what being mobile-friendly means, or how to actually achieve it.  Thankfully, the reality...

What Is A Sitemap, And Why Do I Need One?

When your website was built, there will have been a plan for it. A kind of digital blueprint that the developers used to create the site, and then make sure each of the pages is connected properly. But once the site is live, what happens to that blueprint? For many...

A Beginners Guide To SEO Services

If you want to promote your business online, you'll probably come across a few companies offering SEO services. Around 63% of businesses will invest in some form of SEO support to bolster their marketing efforts, but if you're. It can be a little confusing: so before...

What Are AI Content Writing Tools – And Should You Use One?

Over the past few years, AI has come a long way. From being an idea that belonged in a science fiction novel to Sophia, the AI robot giving people around the world a big case of the uncanny valley. Now, AI developers have turned their heads to the final frontier – the...

What Is A Title Tag? And how to write one!

Title tags are an important part of SEO. They help search engines understand the content on a page and determine which pages should be displayed when someone searches for a specific term or phrase. Without title tags, it would be difficult to find relevant information...

Is eCommerce SEO Really That Different?

When it comes to SEO, it can sometimes seem like a lot of ‘black magic’. There are so many technical terms, and things to look out for that SEO specialists might as well be speaking a foreign language, but the results they get are undeniable. This is why it should...

How To Write A Meta Description

Meta descriptions are essential to a website’s search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy. They provide concise summaries of webpages, helping to attract users from search engines and social media platforms. A successful meta description can boost click-through rates...

How To Find The Right Keywords For SEO On Your Website

When it comes to being found on Google, keywords are something you need to pay attention to. You’ve probably heard this term a lot. You might even be sick of it by now - but it is critical to your online success. Keywords are the backbone to many SEO strategies,...

6 Top SEO Tips for Small Businesses

As we move into another new year, many businesses are examining their marketing efforts and trying to figure out how to improve them. What could you be doing better, how could you reach your audience more effectively, and will anything you do result in more...

Why SEO is important in Digital Marketing

When it comes to marketing your business, there are a lot of different areas and avenues to consider. Just one of those is called search engine optimisation, or SEO for short. SEO is a way to make your content more visible to search engines, and drive more traffic to...

Top Tips on SEO For Beauty Brands

There are millions of beauty, cosmetic and skincare brands in the world, all competing for space online. It’s a $445 billion dollar industry, and trying to make sure your voice is heard among all the chatter can be a challenge. That’s why SEO is one of the most...

A Beginners Guide To Core Web Vitals

In January 2022, Google launched an update to their algorithm called the ‘page experience score’. This was a significant update and gave developers an insight into how Google measures the user experience on a website, which feeds back into the overall performance of...

What is Bounce Rate and how do I reduce it?

Have you ever clicked on a website but quickly realised it isn’t the right thing and clicked off it again? Congratulations! You ‘bounced’. Yes, we know that sounds strange, but we’re talking all about bounce rate today, which is exactly that. It’s the measure of how...

What Is A Search Engine Marketing Consultant?

How much do you know about SEO? Would you say you’re fairly familiar with the concept, but not the nitty gritty or how it works? What about SEM? Don’t worry if you don’t really have a clue – that’s the term that often trips people up! SEO and SEM are often used...

What Are Long-Tail Keywords?

In the world of SEO, not all keywords are created equal. Some are more in demand than others, can gain you more success, or are even structured differently to achieve different things. If you’re not familiar with what a keyword is – it’s the focus word used on each...

What Is A Google Business Profile?

Are you looking for new ways to improve your Google rankings? Maybe you want to appear on Google maps, or you want to boost the amount of local business you’re getting online?  Then you need a Google Business profile. This simple, free little tool can pack one...

How To Perform An SEO Audit On Your Website

Did you know there’s no such thing as ‘SEO’? Search Engine Optimisation is a term thrown around a lot, but the truth is SEO isn’t just one thing. It’s a huge network of information and strategy, all designed to do one thing – get you to the first page of Google ahead...

How Online Reviews Benefit SEO

We all love a good review. Something that helps us learn and grow, and leaves us feeling all warm and fuzzy at the same time. But did you know that reviews can also be a big help to your online marketing? Specifically with your SEO and getting found online. It’s not...

The Benefits Of SEO For Business

Starting a business isn’t easy, especially if you’re looking to expand and grow. To do that, you need to make sure you have a strong digital presence, and that means making nice with the search engines. This can feel like an uphill battle, especially if you don’t...

SEO and SEM – What’s the Difference?

When it comes to digital marketing there are a lot of acronyms to get your head around. That’s not made any easier by the fact that a lot of them are similar, describe similar things, or in some cases use the same letters for different terms! Two of the acronyms most...

How To Optimise Your Web Content For SEO

When someone goes to google looking for the kind of things your business sells, you want to show up. Preferably at the top of the page! Luckily you’re not left to the whims of a search engine, and there is actually something you can do to improve your chances of...

Why You Should Outsource Your SEO in 2024

In a world that’s becoming more and more digital as the days go by, it’s never been more important for businesses to be found online. SEO is a huge part of achieving that, and yet it always amazes us just how many business owners aren’t aware of what SEO is and what...

What Is Digital Advertising And Why Do You Need It?

Digital advertising. In theory, it should be like advertising, but online, right? Well, not quite. You see, technology has changed a lot about our society, including the way we communicate, the kinds of messages we respond to, and how we relate to one another. It also...

The Basics of PPC (Pay Per Click) Advertising

If you’re new to the world of digital marketing, then PPC might seem like something of a dirty word. After all in a world where we crave authenticity, such direct marketing methods can feel a little out of place. But it shouldn’t be that way. In reality, PPC...

What Is Local SEO And Why Is It Important?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you’ve probably heard of SEO. Even if you’re not 100% sure what it means, most business owners have come across SEO at one point or another. As a quick catch up, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and...

2020’s Biggest SEO Trends

Every year, do you notice informational articles about SEO trends? There's a good reason for that. Google keeps companies on their toes by constantly changing their game. In fact, Google algorithms have turned the giant into more of an answer engine than a search...