Top Tips on SEO For Beauty Brands

Originally Published: 3 January 2023
Last Updated: 29 May 2024

Reading Time: 13.1 minutes

Categories: Beauty Industry | SEO
Top Tips on SEO For Beauty Brands

There are millions of beauty, cosmetic and skincare brands in the world, all competing for space online. It’s a $445 billion dollar industry, and trying to make sure your voice is heard among all the chatter can be a challenge. That’s why SEO is one of the most important elements of any beauty brand’s digital marketing strategy. It’s the best way to make sure you stand out from the market and drive traffic to your brand, and not the competition. So in light of the new year, here are some of our top tips on SEO for the beauty industry.

Keyword Research Is King

Keyword research is important for any business, but it can be critical for beauty brands. You need to truly understand what kind of beauty brand you have, how your website is designed and who your audience is to get it right. The ultimate goal is to rank for those high-volume keywords that are relevant to your target demographic. This is how you win the SEO game without spending an absolute fortune competing for generic keywords, when your website is new you need to be looking for longer tail keywords that are generally easier to rank for. Get detailed about what your audience wants, what they would search for and how you can deliver. On top of that, you can target local audiences using local SEO techniques, putting you ahead of the competition.

The best way to do this is to utilise the tools available online. Google has its own keyword research tool, and sites like SEMrush, Ahrefs and SE Ranking all have huge databases and live data to help you find the right keywords for your beauty business.

Our top pick especially for small businesses is SE Ranking, they offer a 14 day free trial so you can test the platform and you can get started for free using the form below.

Put Those Keywords Into Content

Of course, on their own, keywords aren’t much use. You need to put them out into the world! This means creating content that is driven by those keywords. A lot of the reason that beauty eCommerce has exploded over the last few years is that buyers want to do their homework before they part with their hard-earned money. This means beauty brands have something many other industries don’t – a pool of people actively engaged in their products and looking for information on them. 

You need to create content for each of the keywords that you are targeting, if the keywords are similar, then you may be able to use 2 or 3 in the same piece of content. Once Google has crawled your content, it will show up in the search results for many more keywords and you may even be able to use these to find more content ideas and create more content!

Content marketing is a must for any beauty brand, regardless of size or niche. Blogging, tutorials, videos, collaborating with influencers on YouTube or their own blogs, how-tos, helpful tips, and even creating beauty courses are all great ways to create content that includes your keywords and draws in those engaged prospects. If you need help with this get in touch we have created content for many beauty brands.

Consider your product descriptions/services

Optimising product descriptions and service pages for beauty brands and beauty salons is crucial for their online success. In today’s digital age, consumers heavily rely on online research before making any purchasing decisions.

By creating compelling and well-optimised content, beauty brands and salons can effectively showcase their offerings, attract potential customers, and ultimately increase sales. When crafting these pages, it is essential to include detailed descriptions of products or services, highlighting their unique features and benefits.

Use relevant keywords to improve search engine visibility, and incorporate customer reviews and testimonials to build trust. Additionally, incorporating visually appealing images and videos can further enhance the user experience.

At Lion Spirit Media, we have extensive experience in creating high-converting content for websites. Contact us today to discover how we can help you create engaging and effective product descriptions and service pages for your beauty brand or salon.

Creating a Beauty SEO Content Strategy

Creating a beauty SEO content strategy is an important part of any digital marketing campaign for beauty brands. It’s essential for helping you increase organic search traffic and build your brand’s visibility.

Creating Content Clusters

Content clusters are groups of related content pieces that are organized around similar topics and keywords. When you create content clusters, you are helping search engines to better understand your website and the different topics that it covers. This helps you rank better for relevant keywords.

When creating content clusters for a beauty brand, it’s important to focus on topics that are closely related to the brand. You can create content clusters around topics such as makeup tutorials, skincare advice, product reviews, and more.

Suggested Categories

The following are some suggested categories for creating content clusters for beauty brands:

• Makeup tutorials
• Skin care advice
• Hair care advice
• Product reviews
• How-to guides
• Beauty tips and tricks
• Latest trends
• Industry news

Consider using long-tail keywords to create content for your specific niche. You will find these generally have lower competition meaning they will rank faster and bring you more targeted traffic.

Internal Linking

Internal linking is an important part of any SEO strategy. It helps search engines to better understand how your website is organised and how the different pages are related to each other.

When creating content clusters, you should make sure to include internal links to other related content. This will help search engines to further understand the topic and will also help users to find more information on the topic.

Promoting Content on Social Media

Social Media Logos with flowers around

Once you have created your content clusters, you should also make sure to promote the content on social media. This will help to drive more traffic to your website and increase your visibility.

You can promote your content by sharing links to it on your social media accounts, creating social media posts with images and video, and engaging with your followers.

Perform A Technical SEO Audit

The technical aspect of your SEO is all about the performance of your website behind the scenes. Often beauty brand websites are behemoths with hundreds if not thousands of pages to house all of those products, not to mention the more generalised content. That’s a lot of opportunities for things to go wrong! A technical SEO audit looks for all technical errors that could damage your online presence. Things like load speed, broken links, clumsy site structure, mobile responsiveness, backlinks and more. It can be a bit time intensive, but it can dramatically improve your page rankings. You can get started with SEO using our free SEO audit tool, and if you want help to get started with your SEO check out our packages. One of the major benefits of the platform is that it guides you through the process of SEO for your business and then provides a list of actions in order of importance to complete each month to consistently improve your sites SEO.

On-Page Optimisation – Technical SEO factors to consider

1. Ensure that your website is crawlable by search engines

It is important that your website is crawlable by search engines because it allows search engines to find and index your website more easily, which can lead to higher visibility in search engine results. This can help to increase the amount of organic traffic to your website, which can help to increase your sales and overall success.

Explain how to check your website isn’t blocking search engine crawlers

  1. Check your robots.txt file: The robots.txt file is a text file located in the root directory of your website that tells search engine crawlers what they can and cannot crawl. It is important to check your robots.txt file to make sure it is not blocking any important pages or directories. If a page or directory is blocked, search engines will not be able to access it.
  2. Test with the Google Search Console: Google’s Search Console can be used to test if a page is blocked from search engine crawlers. You can submit individual URLs to the search console to check if they are blocked, or you can use the “Fetch as Google” tool to check multiple pages at once.
  3. Use a crawling tool: There are a variety of crawling tools available online like Screaming Frog that can be used to check if a website is blocking search engine crawlers. These tools will crawl your website and report any pages or directories that are blocked from search engine crawlers.

2. Ensure that the website is using HTTPS protocol

HTTPS is important to use on a website because it ensures a secure connection between the user and the server. It encrypts the data sent from the user to the server, protecting it from being intercepted by malicious actors. It also provides authentication of the website, so users can be sure they are connecting to the right website. Finally, HTTPS is increasingly being used as an SEO ranking factor, so using it can help improve a website’s ranking in search engine results.

3. Implement structured data to help search engines understand the website content

Using structured data or Schema markup helps with SEO because it gives search engines more information about the content on your page. It helps them categorize and organize your content more effectively and accurately. This can help your page rank higher in search engine results, as it is more likely to appear in relevant searches. Additionally, structured data helps search engines better understand the context of your page, which can help them better determine the right search terms to use when displaying your page in search results. If you are using WordPress Rankmath is the perfect plugin to assist with adding Schema Markup to your site.

4. Ensure site speed is optimal for search engine bots

Ensuring your site speed is fast helps with SEO because it is a major ranking factor in Google’s algorithm. Google wants to provide users with the best possible experience, and that means delivering content quickly. If a site takes too long to load, users will become frustrated and leave, resulting in a lower ranking score in the SERPs. Additionally, faster loading sites also tend to have better user engagement metrics, such as more time spent on the site, more pages viewed, and more conversions, all of which can influence a site’s ranking.

5. Optimise page titles and meta descriptions

Optimising page titles and meta descriptions using the keywords you are targeting helps improve your sites overall SEO. The page title and meta description are the first things a user will see on the search engine results page when looking for a specific topic, so it’s important to make sure they are properly optimised. This includes including relevant keywords, making sure the titles are concise and relevant, and ensuring that the meta description accurately describes the content of the page. By doing this, it will help to increase the visibility of the page in search engine results, and thus, improve the overall SEO of the website.

6. Optimise images with proper alt text tags

Using alt tags on images helps with SEO because they provide a brief description of the content of the image to search engine crawlers, which can help the crawlers understand the context of the page better and thus improve the page’s ranking in search engine results. Additionally, they provide an alternative text description of the image to users with visual impairments, allowing them to access the content on the page.

7. Create an XML sitemap

An XML sitemap helps with SEO by providing search engine crawlers with a comprehensive map of the structure of your website. This helps ensure that all pages of your website are indexed and that any changes you make to your content are properly reflected.

Using Rankmath is the best way of creating an XML sitemap in WordPress because it is easy to use and provides a comprehensive set of features. Rankmath will generate an XML sitemap for all of your content, including posts, pages, images, and more. It also allows you to customize the XML sitemap to make sure that only the pages you want to be indexed are included. In addition, Rankmath will automatically update your XML sitemap whenever you make changes to your content, ensuring that your website is always properly indexed.

Off-page optimisation

Off-page optimisation in SEO refers to the strategies and techniques used to improve the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs) through external factors.

In the context of the beauty industry, this involves activities that are conducted outside the website itself to enhance its online presence and reputation. For beauty product companies, off-page optimisation may include building high-quality backlinks from reputable beauty blogs and influencers, engaging in social media marketing to promote products, and participating in online communities and forums to increase brand awareness.

On the other hand, beauty salons can focus on off-page optimisation by obtaining positive reviews and ratings on platforms like Google Business Profile and Yell, collaborating with local influencers to showcase their services, and participating in local events or sponsorships to boost their visibility. By implementing these off-page optimisation strategies, businesses in the beauty industry can effectively enhance their online presence, attract more potential customers, and ultimately drive more traffic to their websites.

Local SEO

Local SEO is the process of optimizing your brand’s online presence to appear prominently in local search results. This is particularly crucial for beauty brands, including both beauty product manufacturers and beauty salons, as it allows you to connect with potential customers in your local area. 

By implementing effective local SEO strategies, you can increase visibility in search engine results pages, attract local customers, and boost their online presence. To undertake local SEO, beauty brands can start by creating and optimising their Google Business Profile listing, including accurate and up-to-date information such as their address, phone number, and business hours. 

You can also leverage location-specific keywords in their website content, create local-focused blog posts, and encourage customer reviews and ratings to enhance their local search rankings. Additionally, engaging with local online communities and utilising social media platforms can further strengthen your local SEO efforts.

Get Google Search Console Working

Analytics are your best friend when it comes to SEO. Google has a suite of webmaster tools that can be integrated with any website and give you live feedback on the status of your website on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. It also flags up technical issues so that you can fix them quickly, and tells you if your website seems to have slowed down or something isn’t loading properly. This will help you keep an eye on your SEO performance moving forward, and make sure that your website is always fully functional so you never miss out on a sale.

Utilise analytics to track website performance

At Lion Spirit Media, we love beauty. Working with beauty brands to build and grow audiences and businesses through content marketing is so rewarding for us, and it’s something we’re incredibly passionate about. That includes understanding how SEO works, and how beauty brands can use it to reach new audiences. Our team are experts in SEO and works in various sectors and industries across the UK and around the world. If you would like to know more, would like a free SEO audit, check out our SEO packages, or just get in touch with the team today. 

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