Combined SEO and PPC Packages

Monthly Combined SEO and PPC Packages to drive leads and sales to your business.

Our Combined SEO and PPC Packages are designed to be the ultimate solution for businesses seeking to maximise their leads and sales. By blending the organic growth driven by Search Engine Optimisation with the targeted, immediate impact of Pay-Per-Click advertising, we offer a comprehensive strategy that covers all bases.

Get in touch with us!

Understanding the Value of Integrated Strategies

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising are often viewed as separate entities, each with its own strengths. SEO focuses on improving organic search results through optimising website content, while PPC allows for immediate visibility in search engine results through paid ads.

However, when combined, SEO and PPC create a synergistic effect that maximizes the visibility and effectiveness of both. This strategic integration can lead to a more cohesive digital marketing approach, aligning your organic and paid efforts for a more impactful result.


Why Choose Lion Spirit Media for Your SEO and PPC Needs

At Lion Spirit Media, we understand the intricacies of combining SEO and PPC to create a robust digital marketing strategy. Our team of experts specialises in crafting integrated campaigns that not only improve your search engine rankings but also enhance your brand’s online presence.

With our comprehensive approach, we ensure that every aspect of your digital marketing is working in harmony, from keyword alignment to shared insights across both SEO and PPC. Our commitment to excellence and our client-centric philosophy makes us the ideal partner to help you achieve your digital marketing goals.

Ultimately, this approach should generate you return on your investment every month. Our customers who take this approach to marketing regularly tell us they have never been busier!

Our Approach to Combining SEO and PPC

Merging SEO and PPC may seem straightforward, but it requires a nuanced approach to truly unlock the potential of both channels. At Lion Spirit Media, we’ve honed a methodology that ensures our clients benefit from the combined strength of SEO and PPC.

Leveraging Synergy Between SEO and PPC

We begin by identifying the unique opportunities where SEO and PPC can complement each other. By analysing keyword performance data from PPC campaigns, we can inform and refine our SEO strategies. Conversely, SEO insights can be used to optimise PPC bidding and targeting. This cross-pollination of data ensures that both channels are working together to boost overall performance.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Our team relies on robust data and analytics to guide our decision-making process. By continually monitoring and analysing campaign performance, we make informed adjustments that enhance efficiency and effectiveness. We understand the importance of metrics and KPIs and use them to measure success and drive continuous improvement.


Tailored Strategies for Your Business Goals

Recognising that each business has unique goals and challenges, we tailor our combined SEO and PPC strategies to align with your specific objectives. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or capture market share, our customised approach is designed to deliver results that matter to you.

We take the time to understand your business, your customers, and your industry to ensure that our integrated strategy is perfectly suited to your needs.

Together, these elements form the foundation of our approach, ensuring that our combined SEO and PPC packages are not just comprehensive, but also highly effective in achieving your business goals.

Our Combined SEO and PPC Packages

Pay monthly plans for any budget

Our monthly SEO +PPC packages offer affordable lead generation and sales generation.

Which website platforms do we work on?

We work with CMS based sites including:





What you need to know about working with us

These packages are for small to medium sized businesses. If you are running a large business then get in touch, we can provide something bespoke for you.

We will require full admin access to your websites backend

We need access to Analytics and Search Console for reporting

Any changes we make to your sites content will be sent for approval

Your package can be cancelled 30 days notice.

So, what do our SEO and PPC services include?



SEO Dashboard Setup and Walkthrough

We use our SEO Dashboard to create the perfect SEO Strategy for your business.

This platform means that we can undertake your SEO in a transparent way each month, and the details of the work that we undertake each month is sent with your report (Does your current SEO provider do this??).

You also have access to the dashboard to view the real-time information.

SEO Marketing Strategy

We develop an SEO Strategy for you by finding the keywords that are most relevant to your business and comparing them with your competitors as well. 

Our Platform then produces a set of actions to take to improve your site’s SEO and we get to work on them.


Content Analysis and Optimisation

One part of SEO is on-site optimisation. This involves making changes to your website to improve its content, including text, headings and images. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl your site and see your content more easily.

Google prioritises websites with excellent reputations. They label the effort ‘E-A-T’ which stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness.

We optimise your content and make changes accordingly to guarantee the best possible result.

Link Building

Backlinks are still a very valuable part of a good SEO strategy. The number of websites that link to yours gives Google an idea of your website’s value, how popular it is, and if it is a credible resource for information.

Building links to your site is vital if you want to be ranked highly by Google. Links can come from business partners and other websites, but be very cautious about participating in link exchange schemes. These used to be effective, but Google has now wised up and is filtering these links out of its results. If you get caught, your site may be penalised and be removed from search engine results.

We only create links from authoritative and respectable websites within our affordable search engine optimisation packages. We ensure your links will provide value, increase the overall authority of your website, and show your credibility in your line of business.

Technical SEO

The mechanics and workings of a website are something most people are aware of but unless you’re are a website developer or know how to look for these things, you often don’t notice any minor issues. Search engines however, are very good at spotting these and finding them, and so it’s not only important that your website is running smoothly, but that it is also being crawled and indexed by the search engine correctly.

We run a full audit on your website, use our SEO platform to find any potential problems, and then we fix them. This could be a problem with Title and Meta tags, Headings or site speed.

There are plenty of other ways to drive traffic to your site, like paid ads, however as soon as you stop paying for these the traffic stops. But SEO, while not quick or easy, is a low-risk strategy that will generate organic traffic over the longer term and over time will generate more traffic.

Monthly Reporting

Every month we provide a report on your website’s targetted keywords as well as the overall analytics of the site.

This report includes a list of all the actions we have taken. We are transparent in the way in which we carry out SEO for our customers, so each month, you can see what you got for your money.




Custom PPC Strategy Development

Every business is unique, and so is our approach to PPC. We start by understanding your brand, industry, competitors, and target audience. With this insight, we develop a custom PPC strategy that aligns with your business objectives and maximizes your advertising spend.

Ad Copywriting and Creative Design

The success of your PPC campaign hinges on the quality of your ads. Our team of skilled copywriters and designers craft compelling ad copy and creative that resonate with your target audience. We focus on creating ads that not only grab attention but also encourage clicks and conversions.

Campaign Setup and Management

Setting up a PPC campaign requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. We handle everything from account setup, campaign structuring, and ad group creation to ensure your campaigns are primed for success. Our ongoing management ensures that your campaigns are always optimised and performing at their best.

Keyword Bidding and Optimisation

Keywords are the foundation of PPC. We conduct extensive keyword research to identify the most effective keywords for your campaigns. Our team continuously monitors and adjusts bids to ensure we’re capturing the right traffic at the most efficient cost, maximising your budget and return on investment.

Conversion Tracking and ROI Analysis

Understanding what actions users take after clicking your ads is crucial. We implement robust conversion tracking to monitor and measure the performance of your campaigns. Our ROI analysis allows us to determine the profitability of your PPC efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve results.

Regular Reporting and Feedback Loops

Transparency is key to our partnership. We provide regular, detailed reports that outline your campaign’s performance, including key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion. We also establish feedback loops to discuss these results, gain insights, and make strategic adjustments as needed.

Our PPC services are not just about driving traffic—they’re about driving the right traffic that leads to conversions and contributes to your bottom line. By choosing Lion Spirit Media, you can rest assured that your PPC campaigns are in expert hands, working in concert with your SEO strategy for maximum impact.


“Working with Lion Spirit Media has given me peace of mind and so much time back into my life to do the things that I am good at. Writing is not what I am best at, I am a people person, so having someone who can understand me, my business and reflect into words what I want to say is priceless. I fully recommend their services.”

Lorraine Tarbitten

Owner, The LP Partnership


Benefits of Our Combined SEO and PPC Package

When you harness the power of both SEO and PPC in a unified strategy, you unlock a wealth of advantages for your business’s online presence. Lion Spirit Media’s combined SEO and PPC packages are expertly designed to deliver measurable results that drive your business forward. Here are some of the benefits that our clients experience when they choose to integrate these two powerful digital marketing avenues.

Improved Visibility and Brand Awareness

By combining SEO and PPC efforts, your brand can dominate search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords, ensuring that potential customers see your brand whether they’re clicking on organic results or ads. This dual presence not only increases immediate visibility but also reinforces brand recognition over time.

Enhanced Traffic from Multiple Channels

Diversifying your traffic sources is crucial in the digital landscape. With our combined approach, your website benefits from the steady flow of organic traffic via SEO and the targeted, immediate influx of visitors through PPC campaigns. This multi-channel strategy ensures a broader reach and captures audiences at different stages of the buying cycle.

Higher Conversion Rates and ROI

When SEO and PPC are aligned, the consistency in messaging and targeting fine-tunes the user experience, leading to improved conversion rates. Moreover, the shared insights from both channels can be leveraged to optimise campaigns continuously, resulting in a higher return on investment.

Data Insights from Cross-Channel Analysis

By analysing data from both SEO and PPC, Lion Spirit Media gains a comprehensive understanding of user behaviour and market trends. These insights allow us to refine your marketing tactics, adjust targeting, and enhance the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.

Cost-Effective Marketing Solutions

While PPC can generate quick results, SEO is a long-term investment that builds value over time. By combining these strategies, you can allocate your budget efficiently between immediate returns and sustained growth. This balance ensures that you’re not only getting the most out of your investment but also setting your business up for future success without overspending.

Through our combined SEO and PPC packages, Lion Spirit Media ensures that every facet of your online marketing is synchronised and working towards the same goal: to grow your business and elevate your online success.

Join the ranks of our satisfied clients and experience the transformative benefits of a holistic digital marketing approach.

How We Work with You

At Lion Spirit Media, we understand that every business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach simply won’t do. That’s why we’ve devised a collaborative and flexible process that ensures your combined SEO and PPC package is as effective as possible. Here’s how we work with you to achieve digital marketing success:

Initial Consultation and Needs Assessment

Our journey together begins with an in-depth conversation. During this initial consultation, we aim to understand your business, your market, your competition, and your goals. We assess your current online presence, your target audience, and what you hope to achieve through SEO and PPC. This foundational step allows us to identify opportunities and challenges, setting the stage for a customized strategy that aligns with your business objectives.

Custom Strategy Formulation

Based on our consultation and needs assessment, our team of digital marketing experts will craft a bespoke strategy that combines the power of SEO and PPC. This strategy will be designed not only to enhance your online visibility but also to drive traffic, generate leads, and increase conversions. We take into account your budget, your industry, and your competitive landscape to ensure we maximise every penny you invest.

Execution, Monitoring, and Adjustment

With a strategy in hand, we move into the execution phase. Our team will meticulously implement the SEO and PPC tactics that have been carefully selected for your campaign. But our work doesn’t stop there. We continuously monitor the performance of your campaigns, analysing data to understand what’s working and what can be improved. We’re committed to adjusting our tactics in real-time to respond to market changes, search engine updates, and performance metrics. This agile approach ensures that your campaigns remain effective over time.

Regular Communication and Transparent Reporting

Clear communication is the cornerstone of our partnership. We believe that you should always know how your campaigns are performing and what we’re doing to deliver results. That’s why we provide regular updates and comprehensive reports that detail campaign performance, insights learned, and actions taken. We’re transparent about our methods and open to your feedback, as we see this as a collaborative effort towards your business success.

At Lion Spirit Media, we’re more than just a digital marketing agency; we’re your partner in growth. By working closely with you and adapting to your needs, we ensure that your combined SEO and PPC strategy is not just a service we provide, but a driving force behind your business’s online success.

Frequently asked questions

What is the advantage of combining SEO and PPC strategies?

Combining SEO and PPC strategies allows you to maximise your online presence by targeting both organic and paid search results. This integrated approach leads to a more consistent brand message, better search engine visibility, and the opportunity to leverage data from both channels to optimise your overall marketing strategy.

We can use PPC for terms that are more likely to convert quickly to a lead or a sale and then SEO to cover both these keywords and the ones that are more informational.

How long does it take to see results from SEO and PPC?

PPC advertising can yield immediate results as your ads start to appear in search results as soon as the campaign is activated.

SEO, on the other hand, is a longer-term strategy that can take several months to show significant improvements in organic search rankings.

By combining these strategies, you can enjoy immediate visibility from PPC while building a sustainable organic presence with SEO over time. Almost guaranteeing a return on your investment in the first month and only increasing this return over time.

Will I have a dedicated manager for my campaigns?

Yes, when you choose Lion Spirit Media, you will have a dedicated account manager who oversees all aspects of your SEO and PPC campaigns. This ensures a cohesive strategy and a single point of contact for any questions or adjustments you may need.

How do you measure the success of a Combined SEO and PPC Package?

We measure success using a variety of metrics, including website traffic, search engine rankings, click-through rates, conversion rates, and overall return on investment (ROI). We provide regular reports to keep you informed about the performance of your campaigns.

Is there a contract involved with your packages?

Yes, we typically require a three-month initial period, and then you can cancel with a month’s notice. 

How do I know if my business is a good candidate for a Combined SEO and PPC Package?

If you’re looking to increase your online visibility, drive targeted traffic to your website, and improve your conversion rates, then our Combined SEO and PPC Packages are likely a good fit. We recommend scheduling a free consultation with us to assess your specific needs and goals.

Generally, these packages are perfect for small to medium-sized businesses, particularly those that have a local audience but equally, this can work nationally.

How does Lion Spirit Media stay updated with the latest SEO and PPC trends?

Our team is committed to continuous learning and professional development. We stay up-to-date with the latest trends and algorithm updates in the digital marketing industry through ongoing training, attending conferences, and active involvement in professional communities.

If you have any other questions that haven’t been addressed here, feel free to reach out to us. Our team is ready to assist you with any inquiries you may have.

Want a free SEO Audit?

Fill in the form below and we will perform an SEO audit on your website that will include:

  • Page quality score
  • Recommendations to get started improving your onsite SEO
  • Analysis of your website page speed with suggested improvements
  • Comparisons with your competitors

Your audit will be carried out by the same tool our SEO customers have access to, automatically and normally takes less than 15 minutes, we email a copy to you when it’s complete.

You can find out more about our Free SEO audit here

By submitting this form, you also consent to us getting in touch with you to discuss the results and how we can help.

Our latest SEO blogs

Let's Work Together!

Lion Spirit Media is an experienced web design agency that provides custom web design services for businesses of all sizes.

We have a team of talented designers and developers who understand the needs of businesses and are dedicated to creating visually striking and functional websites.

We also offer a variety of additional services such as content marketing, SEO, and PPC solutions. Our services will ensure that your website is optimised for maximum traffic and that it is easy to navigate and use.

With Lion Spirit Media, you can be sure that your website will be up to date with the latest technology and design trends, helping you to stand out from the competition.

Ready to get started? Contact us today!
