Digital Marketing Articles

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A Beginners Guide to Listicles

A Beginners Guide to Listicles

When it comes to blog posts, you’d be forgiven for thinking there’s only really one format for them. Most blog posts are written a lot like the one you’re reading now – information split into sections to tell and story. But in reality, there are lots of ways you can...

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What is a Whitepaper?

What is a Whitepaper?

So, you’ve been told you need a whitepaper. Great! But, what is a whitepaper? What does it do? And more importantly, how on earth do you write one? Whitepapers are a fantastic way to showcase your industry knowledge in a way that isn’t totally focused on selling your...

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What Are The Benefits Of Media Relations?

What Are The Benefits Of Media Relations?

When we say ‘media relations’, what do you think of? If you watch a lot of TV shows, you might think it’s a job in the police service to communicate with the press about cases. If you’re in business, you might think it’s basically the same thing as PR. Or you may have...

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What Is Local SEO And Why Is It Important?

What Is Local SEO And Why Is It Important?

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you’ve probably heard of SEO. Even if you’re not 100% sure what it means, most business owners have come across SEO at one point or another. As a quick catch up, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and...

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