How much do you know about SEO? Would you say you’re fairly familiar with the concept, but not the nitty gritty or how it works? What about SEM? Don’t worry if you don’t really have a clue – that’s the term that often trips people up! SEO and SEM are often used...
Articles Written by Nick Jolliffe
About Nick Jolliffe
Blog posts written by Nick Jolliffe
What Does A Marketer Do?
Have you ever wondered what we marketing folks do all day? When we sit in front of our computers with hundreds of windows open, what is it we’re up to, and how does it all work? Thankfully, marketing isn’t some secret dark art! It’s just another part of running...
What Are Long-Tail Keywords?
In the world of SEO, not all keywords are created equal. Some are more in demand than others, can gain you more success, or are even structured differently to achieve different things. If you’re not familiar with what a keyword is – it’s the focus word used on each...
Why Is Content Marketing Important?
When we say ‘content marketing’ what comes to mind? You might think of the article you read in a business magazine this morning. The blog post that popped up on your LinkedIn feed last week that’s still floating around your head, or the meme you saw on Facebook that...
PPC Remarketing – The What, Why And How
Do you ever get the feeling that an advert is following you around the internet? You looked at a product or service on a company website once - but decided not to buy it right away. And suddenly everywhere you go you’re seeing adverts pop up for that company and that...
How to Define Your Brand Values In 4 Easy Steps
What would you say if we asked you to tell us your personal values? Most people know what their values are by instinct, even if they’re never really thought about it before. They are a key part of who we are, and have been built, changed and developed over years of...
How to Create A Landing Page
If you’ve ever clicked on an advert and been taken to a web page all about the product or service described – congratulations! You’ve interacted with a landing page. Landing pages are an essential part of the online experience, particularly when it comes to...
How To Write A Blog Post
In a world where content is king online, blog posts are one of the most powerful content marketing tools you could ask for. The problem is that many people don’t know what they are or how to write them. You might read them fairly regularly, but when you sit down to...
What Is A Google Business Profile?
Are you looking for new ways to improve your Google rankings? Maybe you want to appear on Google maps, or you want to boost the amount of local business you’re getting online? Then you need a Google Business profile. This simple, free little tool can pack one...