The Best Tradespeople Recommendation Sites and Their Alternatives

Originally Published: 18 February 2024
Last updated: 16 April 2024
Written by: Nick Jolliffe

Reading Time: 8.7 minutes

tradespeople review websites comparison

Have you ever wondered if there are better alternatives to the top tradespeople recommendation sites you’re familiar with? While these platforms offer great opportunities, exploring other avenues might uncover hidden gems that could revolutionise your business strategies.

Keep on the lookout for new platforms and methods that can complement or even surpass the benefits provided by the established tradesperson recommendation sites. The landscape of online tradesperson referrals is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve could be the key to unlocking unprecedented growth and success in your trade.

Key Takeaways

  • Tradespeople recommendation sites offer vetted profiles, quotes, and feedback mechanisms for informed decisions.
  • Alternative strategies include SEO and PPC for organic growth and immediate visibility.
  • Top sites like Checkatrade, Rated People, and TrustATrader offer cost-effective lead generation and quality listings.
  • Choosing the right platform is crucial for tradespeople to enhance visibility and credibility in the industry.

How do people find tradespeople?

When it comes to finding tradespeople, a significant number of customers simply turn to a quick Google search. By typing in the specific trade or service they require along with their location, customers can easily find local tradespeople without the need to navigate through directory sites. This method provides a convenient and efficient way for individuals to connect with skilled professionals in their area, making the process of finding tradespeople more accessible and streamlined.

Customers can also turn to online trade recommendation websites to explore profiles, request quotes, and provide feedback on services received. These trade recommendation sites like Checkatrade, Rated People, and TrustATrader offer customers a platform to find work efficiently. By browsing through tradespeople profiles, customers can learn about their qualifications, services offered, and previous customer reviews. This background-checking process enables customers to make informed decisions when selecting a tradesperson for their project.

Is there an alternative to trade recommendation sites?

Lead Generation with SEO and PPC

Utilising SEO and PPC strategies offers tradespeople an effective alternative to trades recommendation sites for lead generation and expanding their clientele. SEO focuses on optimising website visibility in search engine results, while PPC involves paying for ad placements to drive immediate traffic.

By strategically planning and conducting keyword research, tradespeople can attract relevant leads through both methods. SEO is a long-term investment for organic traffic growth, while PPC provides instant visibility through paid advertisements.

Combining these strategies can maximise lead generation opportunities for tradespeople, helping them reach a broader audience and secure more job prospects. Embracing SEO and PPC allows tradespeople to have more control over their online presence and attract potential clients outside of traditional recommendation platforms.

This would be our recommended alternative to recommendation sites like Check a Trade, as you will be directly getting leads from the search results to your website, rather than having to pay to be in a directory and then having to compete for a job with other users of the same platform. We also have found that most of the sites mentioned below are not transparent with their pricing most don’t even display pricing for new customers. In contrast, you can Check out our SEO and PPC packages here.

That said directory sites like these do form a good base foundation for links in SEO, we have written a seperate article listing all the best directory sites for plumbers and you should try and add your business to as many as possible.

Which Tradesperson Recommendation Sites are Best?

When choosing the best tradesperson recommendation site for your needs, consider platforms like Checkatrade, Rated People, TrustATrader, MyBuilder, and

Each site offers unique features and benefits tailored to different preferences and requirements, from established reputations to user-friendly interfaces.

Exploring these options can help you find the right fit to promote your services or connect with reliable tradespeople for your projects.

1. Checkatrade

Checkatrade stands out as one of the most reputable and long-standing trade recommendation websites in the industry.

  • Tradespeople pay for vetting and listing, with extra charges for leads on Checkatrade.
  • Customers can browse profiles, request quotes, and leave feedback on Checkatrade.
  • Heavy investment in advertising by Checkatrade attracts a significant customer base.
  • Being listed on Checkatrade can help tradespeople stay busy year-round with consistent work opportunities.

Consider Checkatrade for a reliable platform that values customer feedback, provides trade recommendations, and invests in advertising to bring in a steady stream of customers.

2. Rated People

Considered a cost-effective option for tradespeople seeking relevant job leads, Rated People stands out for its detailed vetting process and simplified access to potential customers.

Tradespeople appreciate the platform’s approach of charging only for job leads that match their services, saving time and money. Rated People’s model streamlines the process for tradespeople looking for specific job opportunities, providing job specifics and budget constraints upfront.

While the platform excels in offering cost-effective access to customers, some users may find it challenging to search based on feedback compared to other tradesman websites. Overall, Rated People remains a popular choice for tradespeople looking to expand their client base and secure quality job leads efficiently.

3. TrustATrader

TrustATrader tradespeople, known for their stringent vetting process and subscription-based model, offer professionals a reputable platform to showcase their services and connect with customers effectively.

  • TrustATrader operates on a subscription-based model.
  • Additional features include a text-a-trader service for convenient communication.
  • TrustATrader actively advertises on TV and radio.
  • The platform limits memberships to ensure quality listings over quantity.

4. MyBuilder

When evaluating tradesperson recommendation sites for the best options, MyBuilder stands out for its pay-per-lead model and simplified job posting process. Tradesmen on MyBuilder pay for leads based on the job value, making it accessible for beginners. Customers benefit from a streamlined job posting system, potentially increasing the number of job listings.

While this user-friendly approach appeals to customers, some tradespeople may find the vetting process lacking in depth. The site’s focus on qualifications and job value can be advantageous, but the quality of leads may vary. MyBuilder offers a convenient entry point for tradespeople looking to expand their customer base, but it’s essential to consider the trade-off between simplicity and thorough vetting processes.


Moving from evaluating MyBuilder’s pay per lead model, tradespeople can explore, which offers a credit-based system for accessing customer contact details. Here are some key points to consider when using

  • Credits for Their Contact: Tradespeople need credits to view and respond to customer contact information.
  • Find Your Profile: Ensure your profile on is complete and up to date to attract potential customers.
  • Information to Bark: Provide accurate details about your services and expertise to increase your chances of getting relevant leads.
  • Platform Like: covers various professional services beyond building trades, offering a diverse range of opportunities.
  • Lead Quality: Opinions on lead quality and cost on vary, so it’s essential to monitor your ROI closely.

6. has emerged as a prominent platform in the UK for connecting customers with skilled professionals in various home improvement fields.

  • operates as a comprehensive directory for finding new tradespeople.
  • The platform has a strong presence on Trustpilot, showcasing positive reviews from satisfied customers.
  • It helps in avoiding rogue traders by verifying the credentials and qualifications of listed professionals.
  • Tradespeople on typically have public liability insurance, ensuring protection for both parties.
  • Customers can easily post jobs and receive bids from qualified tradespeople, facilitating a transparent and efficient hiring process.

7. Which? Trusted Trader

Highly regarded in the tradesperson recommendation industry, Which? Trusted Trader stands out for its quality client pool and competitive job leads platform. Operating on a subscription model with fees typically ranging from £770 to £1317 annually, Which? Trusted Trader requires a non-refundable payment of £240 and assesses both credit and work quality for membership approval.

This reputable site offers tradespeople access to high-quality job leads, aiding in business growth and success. Evaluating the effectiveness of Which? Trusted Trader is crucial for professionals aiming to maximize their opportunities within the industry.

With its stringent evaluation process and focus on delivering reputable job leads, Which? Trusted Trader remains a top choice for tradespeople looking to expand their client base and enhance their business prospects.

8. Air Tasker

When seeking out the best tradesperson recommendation sites, exploring Air Tasker can provide you with a diverse range of services and a user-friendly platform for connecting with local professionals.

  • Air Tasker connects customers with local tradespeople for various tasks.
  • Customers can post jobs, receive offers, and choose based on reviews and quotes.
  • The platform covers a wide range of services, offering flexibility for diverse needs.
  • Users can communicate, negotiate, and pay securely through the platform.
  • Profiles, ratings, and reviews on Air Tasker provide transparency for informed decision-making.

9. Get a Tradesman

Exploring the best tradesperson recommendation sites, like Checkatrade, MyBuilder, TrustATrader, Rated People, and Which? Trusted Traders, can provide valuable insights and connections for professionals in the UK.

These platforms offer tradesmen the opportunity to showcase their services to customers, request quotes, and receive feedback. With subscription-based models prevalent, tradespeople can expect costs between £450-£850 per year for visibility on these sites.

Each platform boasts unique features and caters to different customer bases, impacting a tradesperson’s credibility and access to potential clients. Choosing the right tradespeople recommendation site is crucial for enhancing your visibility and establishing credibility within the industry.

Make an informed decision to maximize your reach and connect with customers effectively.

10. is what the Yellow Pages became online. It doesn’t always feature prominently in search results nowadays, but it is still worth creating a free listing here.

  • It offers a comprehensive directory of various trades and services for consumer convenience.
  • Users can easily find and review tradespeople based on location and service type.
  • Tradespeople have the opportunity to showcase their skills and expertise to a wide audience on the platform.
  • enhances visibility for professionals seeking to expand their client base and establish credibility.


In conclusion, utilising tradespeople recommendation sites and their alternatives can significantly benefit your business by:

  • Increasing visibility
  • Connecting you with potential customers
  • Enhancing your reputation in the industry

These platforms offer valuable networking opportunities and streamline the process of finding job prospects. By taking advantage of these resources, you can solidify your position in the market and propel your career to new heights.

Don’t miss out on the chance to grow your client base and establish credibility within the community.

If you need help promoting your business get in touch with us.

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