Maximising Trade Business Growth With Google Ads for Trades

Originally Published: 24 April 2024
Last updated: 29 April 2024
Written by: Nick Jolliffe

Reading Time: 17.7 minutes

Categories: PPC
optimizing trade growth online

In today’s competitive market, growing your trade business can be significantly enhanced by leveraging digital marketing strategies, particularly Google Ads.

As a tradesperson, whether you’re a plumber, electrician, or carpenter, finding the most effective ways to attract new clients while maximising your advertising spend is crucial.

In this post we will delve into how Google Ads can be a game-changer for your trade business. We’ll explore what Google Ads are, determine their suitability for your trade, and discuss how to effectively set up and manage your campaigns. From understanding your budget constraints to measuring the performance of your ads, we aim to provide you with a comprehensive guide to using Google Ads to its full potential.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clearer understanding of how to optimise your ad spend, attract more customers, and ultimately, enhance your business growth.


There is a lot to learn to effectively use Google Ads to promote your business. Our team has the experience to effectively run Ads for any trade business and we have done so successfully for our customers for many years. Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.

Key Takeaways

  • Evaluate budget and profitability to optimize Google Ads campaigns
  • Utilise various campaign types to target potential customers effectively
  • Monitor performance metrics like ROAS, CTR, and conversion rates
  • Target specific local areas for enhanced growth and conversions
  • Implement conversion tracking and optimisation features for campaign success

What are Google Ads?

online advertising by google

Google Ads provides a powerful online advertising platform to help trade businesses connect with potential customers actively seeking their services. These ads enable businesses to display their offerings prominently when relevant keywords are searched, allowing them to reach a targeted audience interested in their specific trade services.

By selecting the right keywords related to their trade, businesses can guarantee that their ads appear to users most likely to engage with their services, maximising the effectiveness of their campaigns. Additionally, Google Ads operate on a pay-per-click (PPC) model, where businesses only pay when users click on their ads, making it a cost-effective advertising solution for trades.

This model allows for control over advertising costs and ensures that businesses are investing in reaching an audience already interested in their services, increasing the likelihood of converting clicks into valuable leads.

Determine The Suitability Of Google Ads for Trades

When considering the suitability of Google Ads for your trade business, it’s important to evaluate your budget, the speed at which you need to see results, and assess the potential profitability of running Google Ads.

Understanding your knowledge of digital marketing techniques and campaign optimisation will also play a key role in determining if Google Ads is the right fit for your trade business.

These factors will help you decide whether investing in Google Ads aligns with your business goals and resources.

1. Your budget

To determine the suitability of using Google Ads effectively for trades, it’s crucial to establish a well-thought-out budget that aligns with your advertising goals and available resources. When setting your budget, consider factors such as cost per click (CPC), campaign duration, and the desired return on investment (ROI) for your business. For most trade businesses, we recommend a starting budget of £200 a month, this will enable you to build up enough data to optimise the campaign going forward, and enable you to record enough conversions to be able to optimise the campaign for conversions going forward and then decide how much to increase or decrease it by going forward.

A carefully planned budget guarantees the efficient use of your advertising funds and maximises the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns. Regularly monitoring and adjusting your budget based on campaign performance is essential for optimising your ads and achieving sustainable growth.

Understanding how budget allocation impacts your campaign success will help you make informed decisions to successfully drive your trade business.

2. How quickly you need results

Establishing how quickly you require results plays an important role in determining the effectiveness of utilising Google Ads for tradies. Google Ads for trades can deliver quick results, with businesses often experiencing an uptick in leads in a short time. Factors like campaign setup, targeting, and ad relevance influence the speed of results.

If your trade business is in urgent need of growth, Google Ads campaigns can provide an immediate impact. Quick results from these campaigns can help you secure new clients and projects rapidly. The suitability of Google Ads for trades is evident in the fast response and lead generation it offers, making it a valuable tool for businesses seeking swift growth.

While you can start seeing results immediately with an ads campaign, it will take time to optimise it, get it working well for you, and prevent wasted budget.

3. Will it be profitable to run Google Ads?

Considering the profitability of running Google Ads for trades involves a strategic analysis of key metrics and industry dynamics to determine its suitability for your business. Google Ads can be profitable for trade businesses by generating leads and driving conversions effectively.

Understanding your business goals and competition is important in evaluating the potential profitability of Google Ads. Analyzing key metrics such as Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) from trial campaigns can help evaluate the worth of investing in Google Ads.

It’s important to set realistic expectations as results vary based on factors like ad quality, targeting precision, and industry competitiveness. Regular monitoring, adjustment, and data analysis are essential to determine the profitability and success of Google Ads campaigns for trade businesses.

As Google Ads is based on keywords, it’s important to check how much it will cost to advertise your services and concentrate on the ones that are likely to make you the most profit. As you will be paying per click, you need to ensure that any lead that you get is paid for by the job you end up doing, as well as the clicks that you pay for that don’t turn into work.

4. Your Knowledge Of Digital Marketing Marketing Techniques and Optimising Campaigns

Your digital marketing knowledge and campaign optimisation skills play a vital role in determining the effectiveness of Google Ads for trades, especially in maximising growth opportunities and reaching targeted audiences.

Understanding digital marketing techniques and optimizing campaigns tailored for trade businesses can greatly impact the success of your Google Ads endeavours. By using Google Ads extensions such as callouts and sitelinks, you can enhance the performance of your ads and attract more potential customers.

Monitoring and analysing campaign data are essential for refining and improving your strategies to guarantee excellent results. Implementing smart bidding strategies can further boost your return on investment and help you achieve your business goals efficiently in the competitive trade industry.

This can be a time-consuming process to learn the system and to get the most for your money, and that is why we offer a service to manage your ads for you, you can find out about our packages here.

How do Google Ads work for trades?

google ads for trades

Leveraging Google Ads for trades allows businesses to strategically target and engage potential customers actively seeking trade services. With a well-structured Google Ads campaign, tradesmen like plumbers can reach individuals who specifically search on Google for the services they offer. These online advertising tools provide various campaign options, including Search, Display, and Video, enabling businesses to tailor their approach to meet specific marketing goals.

By using Google Ads effectively, trade businesses can enhance brand visibility, attract quality leads, and drive conversions. Through precise targeting based on locations, demographics, and relevant keywords, tradespeople can maximise the success of their campaigns. These ads not only direct traffic to the tradesman’s website but also play an important role in converting visitors into valuable customers, fueling business growth in a competitive market.

Understanding how Google Ads work for trades is essential for businesses looking to expand their customer base and increase revenue through online advertising strategies.

How to Set Up A Google Ads Account

To establish a Google Ads account, you need a valid email address and a business website. Creating your account is an essential process that can be completed in a few simple steps. First, navigate to the Google Ads website and click on the ‘Start Now’ button. Then, follow the prompts to enter your email address and website details. Once you’ve provided this information, you can set up your first ad campaign by selecting your target audience, setting your bids, crafting your ad copy, and configuring your billing preferences.

Having a Google Ads account is great for promoting trade services as it enables you to reach potential customers who are actively searching for your offerings. Google Ads offers various campaign types tailored to meet the specific marketing needs of trade businesses, allowing you to promote your services and attract valuable leads effectively. Setting up a Google Ads account can drive traffic to your website and convert visitors into satisfied customers.

Calculating your Return On Ad Spending

maximizing advertising roi analysis

Calculating Return On Ad Spending (ROAS) is a fundamental step in evaluating the effectiveness and profitability of your Google Ads campaigns. ROAS is a metric that compares the revenue generated from advertising to the cost of the ad campaign.

To calculate ROAS, divide the total revenue generated by the total cost of the advertising campaign. Understanding ROAS is crucial as it helps you assess whether your ads are yielding a positive return on investment.

A higher ROAS signifies that your advertising efforts are bringing in more revenue than the cost incurred. This indicates profitability and effectiveness in your campaigns. By monitoring and optimising ROAS, you can maximise growth and profitability for your trade business through Google Ads.

It provides valuable insights into the success of your advertising strategies and enables you to make data-driven decisions to enhance the performance of your campaigns. Keep a close eye on your ROAS to make sure that your advertising efforts are contributing positively to your business’s bottom line.

Measuring The Performance Of Your Google Ads Campaign

When measuring the performance of your Google Ads campaign, it’s important to focus on key metrics such as:

  • Average click-through rates
  • Average cost-per-click
  • Average conversion rate
  • Average cost-per-action

Additionally, evaluating your landing page performance plays a vital role in gauging the effectiveness of your ads in generating leads and driving traffic.

1. Average Click-Through Rates

How does the average click-through rate (CTR) impact the performance of your Google Ads campaign?

The CTR, which averages around 4.8% across the home improvement sector, reflects the percentage of users who click on your ad after seeing it. Monitoring your CTR is vital as it serves as a key indicator of ad performance.

A high CTR suggests that your ads are relevant to your target audience and are driving traffic effectively to your website. To enhance your CTR and overall campaign success, focus on improving ad relevance, targeting the right audience, and crafting compelling ad copy.

2. Average Cost-Per-Click

To measure the performance of your Google Ads campaign effectively, understanding the average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is vital for optimising your budget allocation and maximising ROI. The average CPC can fluctuate based on industry competition and keyword relevance, impacting your marketing budget for trade services.

Knowing the average CPC for your specific trade services and industry helps set realistic expectations and improve campaign optimisation. CPC can vary from a few pence to several pounds, depending on market competitiveness and ad quality. Monitoring changes in CPC over time is essential for adjusting bidding strategies with your Google Ads specialist to enhance campaign effectiveness.

3. Average Conversion Rate

Understanding the average conversion rate is vital for evaluating the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns in maximising ROI. In the trade businesses industry, conversion rates can be higher than 10%, reflecting the percentage of ad clicks that lead to desired actions like generating leads or sales.

Monitoring and optimising this conversion rate in Google Ads is essential for enhancing the performance of your campaigns. By analysing how well your ads are converting clicks into valuable actions, you can make informed decisions to improve your overall campaign efficiency.

Keeping a close eye on your conversion rate helps you understand the impact of your Google Ads efforts and enables you to fine-tune your strategies for better outcomes in reaching your business goals.

4. Average Cost-Per-Action

Monitoring the Average Cost-Per-Action (CPA) is key to gauging the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns for trades businesses and optimizing for better ROI.

CPA, a vital metric in Google Ads, determines the average cost for each desired action, like lead generation or sales. By calculating the total campaign cost divided by the number of completed actions, you gain insights into ad efficiency.

Monitoring CPA allows for campaign optimisation, ultimately maximising ROI by driving actions at a lower cost. Lowering CPA enhances profitability and aids in allocating advertising budgets to high-performing campaigns.

Understanding and controlling CPA are essential for measuring the success and performance of your Google Ads campaigns, ensuring effective use of resources and achieving desired outcomes.

5. Landing page performance

Enhance your Google Ads campaign effectiveness by closely monitoring your landing pages’ performance through key metric tracking. Measure essential factors such as bounce rate, conversion rate, and user behavior to gauge their effectiveness.

You can optimise your pages for better results by analysing user engagement and conversion patterns. Make use of tools like Google Analytics to explore further into your landing page performance and identify areas for enhancement.

Experiment with different variations to discover the most impactful design and content for your target audience. Guarantee your landing pages are mobile-responsive and load quickly to provide a seamless user experience that boosts conversion rates.

Stay informed about your landing page performance to refine and improve your Google Ads campaigns continuously.

6. Ad Strength

To boost the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaign, focus on evaluating the Ad Strength metric to gauge the quality and relevance of your ads. Ad strength is a vital factor in determining ad performance as it considers the relevance, quality, and diversity of your ad components such as headlines, descriptions, and extensions.

By improving your ad strength, you increase the likelihood of performing better in Google Ads auctions, leading to higher ad visibility. Enhanced ad strength can result in better click-through rates and increased conversions, ultimately maximising the impact of your Google Ads campaign.

Keeping a close eye on your ad strength metric allows you to optimise your ads for peak performance and reach in the competitive trades market.

Advice for beginners

navigating the art world

When starting out with Google Ads for your trade business, remember to monitor your search terms and use Negative Keywords to refine your targeting.

Blocking your competitors’ names can help you stand out in a competitive market.

Targeting a specific local area, using Conversion Tracking, and allowing for automatic improvements are essential steps for beginners to optimise their Google Ads campaigns effectively.

1. Monitor your search terms and use Negative Keywords

By closely monitoring your search terms and adding Negative Keywords, beginners can effectively optimise their Google Ads campaigns for increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

Monitoring search terms enables you to identify the specific keywords that are driving traffic to your ads, helping you understand what potential customers are searching for. Negative Keywords play an important role in preventing your ads from showing for irrelevant search queries, saving your budget for more relevant clicks.

Regularly reviewing search term reports allows for continuous optimisation, resulting in higher-quality leads. By using Negative Keywords to filter out unwanted clicks, you can focus on attracting valuable traffic to your ad campaigns.

Monitoring and adjusting Negative Keywords is essential for maintaining cost-effective and targeted advertising strategies.

2. Block your Competitors’ Names

Consider blocking your competitors’ names in your Google Ads campaigns to guarantee your ads target the right audience actively seeking your services.

By blocking competitors’ names, you can make sure that your ad budget is used efficiently, focusing on potential customers genuinely interested in your trade business.

This strategy prevents your ads from displaying when users search for your competitors, avoiding irrelevant clicks and maximising the chances of attracting qualified leads.

Blocking competitors’ names not only enhances the relevance of your ads but also increases the effectiveness of your Google Ads campaigns by directing them towards a more tailored audience.

Implementing this tactic is a smart move to optimise your ad spend and improve the overall performance of your trade business in reaching potential customers.

3. Target a specific local area

To enhance your trade business growth through Google Ads, targeting a specific local area can greatly boost your relevancy and lead to higher conversion rates. By focusing on specific keywords related to your trade services and tailoring your ads to reach potential customers in chosen geographic locations, you can increase the effectiveness of your campaigns.

Local targeting allows you to concentrate your marketing efforts where there’s demand for your services, increasing the chances of connecting with interested customers nearby. This approach not only helps in building brand recognition within the community but also proves to be cost-effective, driving more qualified leads to your trade business.

Make the most of targeting a specific local area to maximize the impact of your Google Ads campaigns.

4. Use Conversion Tracking to further optimise your campaign

Implementing conversion tracking in Google Ads is essential to enhance the performance of your campaigns and optimize your trade business growth effectively. By having conversion tracking, you can measure the effectiveness of your ads by tracking valuable actions such as form submissions or purchases.

This data allows you to understand which ads and keywords are driving conversions on your website. Knowing what campaigns lead to conversions enables you to optimise your budget efficiently and focus on strategies that yield results.

Additionally, conversion tracking provides valuable insights into the ROI of your advertising efforts, empowering you to make informed decisions for campaign improvement. Utilizing this tool is vital for beginners looking to maximise the impact of their Google Ads campaigns and achieve measurable growth for their trade business.

5. Allow automatic improvements

Leveraging automated improvements in Google Ads can greatly benefit beginners in the trade industry by optimising campaigns based on performance data. Google Ads for trades offers automatic features like Smart Bidding, which uses machine learning to enhance campaign efficiency. Beginners can take advantage of automated suggestions for bid adjustments and keyword optimisation, saving time and boosting ROI.

By allowing Google’s automated improvements to work for your campaigns, you can guarantee that your ads are continuously optimised for better results. This hands-off approach lets the system make real-time adjustments based on data, ultimately leading to more effective advertising strategies.

Embracing automatic improvements in Google Ads can be a game-changer for tradespeople looking to maximise their online presence and grow their businesses successfully.

Other Advertising Options for Trades

exploring alternative trade promotions

Exploring alternative advertising avenues beyond Google Ads can diversify your trade business’s promotional efforts and potentially expand your reach to new customers. Apart from online marketing through platforms like Google Ads, trades have a plethora of other advertising options to contemplate.

Social media advertising offers a cost-effective way to engage with a broader audience and build brand awareness. Email marketing allows for personalised communication with existing and potential customers, driving conversions. Local directories help trades improve their search engine results and visibility within their community. Traditional methods such as flyers, direct mail, and radio ads can still be effective in reaching local audiences.

Collaborating with industry-specific websites and directories enables trades to target a more niche market. Vehicle signage, trade shows, sponsorships, networking events, community partnerships, and referrals also present valuable opportunities to enhance your advertising strategy and expand your customer base. By leveraging a mix of these advertising options, you can strengthen your online presence and attract a wider audience to fuel your trade business growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can Google Ads Help in the Growth of Your Business?

Google Ads can boost your business growth by increasing brand visibility, targeting specific audiences, and driving quality traffic to your website. Leveraging ad extensions, precise targeting, and smart bidding can enhance your online presence and attract more customers.

How Do I Make Google Ads Highly Profitable?

To make Google Ads highly profitable, focus on targeted keywords, use ad extensions for visibility, test ad variations, manage budgets wisely, and optimise landing pages. These strategies help drive quality traffic, increase conversions, and boost your business performance.

How Effective Is Google Ads for Small Business?

Google Ads can be highly effective for small businesses. They boost brand awareness, drive targeted traffic, and increase the likelihood of customer purchases. By optimising campaigns with keywords and data analysis, you can maximise your business growth.


To sum up, harnessing Google Ads for your trade business can greatly enhance your growth and visibility in the competitive market. By utilising the various features and optimisation techniques available, you can target specific job types and locations, attract high-quality leads, and ultimately drive sustainable success.

With strategic ad extensions, geographic targeting, and effective bidding strategies, you can propel your business to new heights and achieve your business goals. Embrace Google Ads to maximise your trade business growth today!

If you need help with implementing Google Ads for your business then have a look at our affordable PPC management packages and get in touch with our expert ads team today.

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