PPC Remarketing – The What, Why And How

Originally Published: 29 August 2022
Last updated: 17 October 2022
Written by: Nick Jolliffe

Reading Time: 4.54 minutes

Categories: PPC
PPC Remarketing – The What, Why And How

Do you ever get the feeling that an advert is following you around the internet? You looked at a product or service on a company website once – but decided not to buy it right away. And suddenly everywhere you go you’re seeing adverts pop up for that company and that product? It can seem a little creepy! But it’s actually something called PPC remarketing, and it’s an incredibly effective method of advertising. Today we wanted to dive deeply into what Google remarketing is, how it works, and why more businesses should be using it.

What Is PPC Remarketing?

The concept of remarketing is pretty straightforward, and really the name says it all. It’s the idea of marketing something to a customer that they have already shown interest in. Your original marketing got them onto the site, and your remarketing will get them back to buy it if they don’t commit right away. If you ask Google, they sum up remarketing as:

“A way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. It allows you to strategically position your ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, thus helping you increase your brand awareness or remind those audiences to make a purchase.”

Which pretty much hits the nail on the head. It’s like a little nudge from your business, reminding the customer that they were interested in your product and that it’s still available to buy.

How Does PPC Remarketing Work?

In simplistic terms, Google remarketing works by using cookies. No, not the delicious chocolatey kind – the internet kind every website notifies you of when you first visit. If you have remarketing turned on, then each user who visits your website will be added to your remarketing list when they accept the cookies on your website. This means you can track what they do, see what they look at, and then advertise those products (and similar ones) to them if they don’t make a purchase. We say ‘you’ can, but Google does all the heavy lifting for you while you get on with your day.

If you already advertise on Google, then activating remarketing campaigns is as simple as adding a little piece of code – also known as a tag or pixel. This means that customers who browse your website can be added to your remarketing audiences through cost-effective browser cookies. It’s fully customisable, so you can choose the pages and categories, change the rules and later the ads.

For example, let’s say you run an online business for kitchen appliances. You might want to create a specific remarketing audience for ‘toasters’, to target anyone who visits any page on your website where you sell toasters. Once this is active, highly focussed ads for toasters will appear across their browsing platforms, reminding them of your great offers. You can even adjust the offers to draw them back, perhaps with special deals like free shipping or discounts. It really is that simple to use and can quickly generate real results.

Why Should I Try PPC Remarketing?

Google remarketing campaigns are, in our opinion, underutilised. For businesses who sell products online, they are an absolute no-brainer, and a great way to recapture what would otherwise be lost leads. But remarketing can work for any kind of business, and there are a lot of benefits to remarketing your products or services, including:

  • Well-Timed Targeting

The customers you target with remarketing are unique – because they have already shown an active interest in your business. This technique allows you to present them with your brand and products again, while the idea is still fresh in their mind and they are more likely to make a purchase. You can also help customers find you more easily by showing them your ads when they are actively looking for your business on Google search.

  • Focussed Advertising

You can get really detailed in your targeting with remarketing, creating lists to advertise for specific cases. For example, you may create a remarketing list targeted at people who added something to their shopping cart but didn’t complete a transaction with you.

  • Large-Scale Reach

You get a much wider reach using remarketing than almost any other form of advertising, This is because you can reach people on your remarketing lists across their devices as they browse over 2 million websites and mobile apps – where they are a captive audience. 

  • Efficient Pricing

Pricing is always a crunch point for any form of advertising, particularly with Google. But with remarketing, you can create high-performance campaigns using automated bidding strategies, which is much more cost-effective. Real-time bidding calculates the optimal bid for the person viewing your ad, helping you win the auction with the best possible price – and no extra cost to use Google’s auction.
At Lion Spirit Media, we can set up and manage ads across the entire Google ecosystem – including remarketing. It’s not something we talk about here, but it can be very beneficial for businesses – particularly those selling products online. We are proactive, constantly reviewing and adjusting your campaigns to ensure you get the best results for your business online. If you would like to know more about remarketing, or check out our PPC services and packages we can help you get it right, just get in touch with us today and book your free consultation.

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