SEO Agency for Plumbers and Heating Engineers

Separate from the herd

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, and it refers to the action we take to increase both the quantity and quality of traffic to our websites. Today, as we move into, grow and expand our digital jungle footprint, what we do online is vital.

Chances are you just searched for something similar to “SEO agency for plumbers” or “Plumber SEO”

You found us because we have optimised this page for those terms and the good news is we can do the same thing for your business!

Lion Spirit Media works with businesses in the  Plumbing and Heating to improve online performance.

Lion Spirit Media is a leading SEO agency for Plumbing and Heating businesses. We specialise in SEO for plumbers and heating engineers and help our customers get their site to the first page of Google for keywords that will increase leads.

We pursue highly targeted and relevant traffic to our clients’ websites by significantly improving their search engine visibility. We then strive for more conversions on those sites, resulting from this increased traffic, so that more sales and enquiries result from it.

Our SEO experts only use ethical, white-hat methods to drive traffic to your website to ensure longevity and return on your investment.


How do we do it?

Our approach to search marketing is one-of-a-kind. Every Lion Spirit Media campaign is unique. But the idea is easy: We employ a wide range of data and knowledge to provide your website with the greatest possible user experience.

We target the phrases that your customers are searching for on Google and optimise every part of your site for them.

Our clients can sleep well at night because we follow Google’s Guidelines, knowing that their rankings are sustainable and that every pound invested is an investment for the present and future. We have a think-big mentality when it comes to our work. Our objectives and plans are based on solid facts, allowing us to develop effective, results-oriented campaigns. Clients are consulted at every step of the process, with your long-term return on investment always in our thoughts.

Here is an overview of how our SEO Service works:

1. Collaboration

Consulting with you about your objectives what your current marketing strategy so that we can get a thorough understanding of your business.

2. Competitor Research

Carry out research into your competitors, our team can work out how your competitors are succeeding and what you will need to do to beat them online.

3. Website Audit

Before your campaign even begins, we carry out a detailed SEO analysis of your website to see how well it’s performing. We can identify any issues with your website and put a plan in place to fix them. 

4. Keyword Research

Carrying out Keyword Research, using the information we have already gained we then find out how your potential customers could find you online.

5. Technical SEO

Search engines need to be able to crawl and index your site; whilst they will do this automatically for sites they find or are submitted to them, a number of things can be undertaken to help them. We use a number of tools (as well as our own SEO platform) that help us assess a website’s performance, and from this, we can make recommendations to improve it. These may look like small tweaks, but they add up to have a big impact on how successful the site is. 

6. Create content

Your page content is the heart of your business and it’s one of the first things people will see. We create content that is tailored in a way that reflects your business, is SEO focused, and is suitable for your niche.

7. Backlink building

Backlinks are important when it comes to search engine optimisation. When creating your link strategy, you need to focus on getting a mix of different links. These should include some from low-authority sites, some from high-authority sites, some from relevant blogs, some from directories, some from forums, and some from social media.

8. Monthly Reports

We regularly report on our progress and show you how our efforts are paying off. We’ll show you where your keywords rank and how well your website is performing. Because our SEO platform generates specific improvements tailored for your site each month, we can also show you exactly what we have done each month so you can see where your money has gone.

9. On-going optimisation

Every month we repeat the process! Continually improving your site to keep it at the top of the search results!

So what do our SEO services for the Plumbing and Heating industry include?

Leads Generation With SEO

The primary objective of every SEO campaign we undertake is to achieve a return on investment. This is why businesses continue to invest in our services, as we provide them with more business than what we are costing them each month. We want your business to grow!

When it comes to local SEO campaigns for plumbing companies, we begin with keyword research, and we already have experience in carrying this out for our other plumbing customers, so we know what will work! By knowing what customers are searching for, we can identify areas where you may currently lack services or areas where you can further promote your existing services.

For instance, “boiler repair near me” receives 8100 monthly searches, whereas “plumber near me” receives 135,000. It’s important for us to pick the right words to optimise your website for. Generally, the more specific you are, the easier it is to rank for that term and over time, your site will also improve for the more competitive terms too.

We use this data to develop an effective strategy for your website. This includes optimising your current pages and creating new landing pages based on the keyword data.

Furthermore, we track and provide reports on key statistics that drive your campaign, such as keyword growth and trends in organic traffic.

Local SEO for Plumbers

Our local campaigns specifically target the customers that plumbers are looking for. This includes creating and optimising your Google Business Profile page. This is crucial for maximising results in local SEO campaigns.

We also source and build citations across relevant directories for your services and location.

Local SEO for plumbers can be highly profitable, considering that search engines are often the first place your potential customers go when they need your help.

We optimise and measure your site for keywords in your local area to maximise your search visibility among potential customers.

The added bonus of this that you will begin to attract more customers that are closer to you, saving you time and money on travelling too!

What Our Customers are Saying

Check out what a few of our customers have said about our services.

Satomi Okubo

Enshu Limited

“Professional, reliable and conscientious. Highly recommended.”

Daniel Philips

DP Pool Services

"I found Lion Spirit Media, and they were able to more than meet our needs at a competitive price point. Since then, we have received visitors to our site and increased leads thanks to their marketing approach and ongoing support with content and SEO. It’s been a great experience working with someone who is trustworthy, reliable and professional and actually cares about my business’s success."

Peter Antenen

Antenen Consulting

“I seriously recommend for your strategic marketing, comms and content projects.”

Why should you outsource your SEO to us?

Let’s cut to the chase. There are a lot of companies offering SEO services for plumbers and heating engineers, so what makes us stand out? For one, we don’t just strive to provide a tailored service (which is all part and parcel of what we do). We take it a step further: We want you to Find your Roar, and we know that’s different for each and every brand.

Nick JolliffeOur expert in SEO, Nick Jolliffe, worked in the Plumbing and Heating industry for over 16 years before training in Digital Marketing and SEO. Nick manages all of our Plumbing clients, and his experience means he really understands your services and the products that you use every day.

Search engines are fast-paced. That’s why we are too. We are committed to keeping up with current trends, information and updates on what’s going on in the SEO world, and ultimately, know how search engines work. Small changes to Google or Bing’s algorithm can have a big impact on your site’s traffic. And so, just how a tiny roar can reach far and wide — we’re dedicated to keeping on top of these changes to make sure you’re heard loud and clear!

Get a free SEO Audit!

Fill in the form below and we will perform an SEO audit on your website that will include:

  • Page quality score
  • Recommendations to get started improving your onsite SEO
  • Analysis of your website page speed with suggested improvements
  • Comparisons with your competitors

Your audit will be carried out by the same tool our SEO customers have access to, automatically and normally takes less than 15 minutes, we email a copy to you when it’s complete.

You can find out more about our Free SEO audit here

By submitting this form, you also consent to us getting in touch with you to discuss the results and how we can help.

Answers to Your Questions

What is SEO?

SEO stands for “search engine optimisation.” As the name suggests, SEO is the collection of strategies and techniques that improve the visibility and discovery of your website or web page in search engines (e.g., Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.).

How does SEO work?

Search engines work hard to deliver the best possible results to users. This means providing not only high-quality results, but also results that are relevant to the searcher.

What are SEO Packages?

Our SEO packages have been built to offer small to medium-sized businesses an SEO service at a fixed price that will enable them to rank higher in organic search results like Google.

What is Local SEO?
SEO can be broken down into several sub-categories, one of which is “local SEO.” As the name suggests, local SEO strategies and techniques aim to improve your website’s local ranking in search engines.
This typically means enhancing the relevance of your website’s content to users in a specific geographic area.
What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO involves improving the technical aspects of a website to enhance its ranking in search engines. Technical optimisation of a website generally focuses on three key areas:

  • Making the site faster
  • Easier for search engines to crawl
  • More understandable in terms of content

By improving these factors, you can give your site a better chance of ranking well in search engine results pages.  Technical SEO is part of on-page SEO, which is concerned with optimising website content to achieve higher rankings. 

How much does SEO cost?

It really depends on your business and its goals. However, our done-for-you measured and transparent SEO services start at £150+vat per month, this will definitely get you better results over time but is more suited to smaller businesses targeting a local market.

We offer bespoke packages that are tailored to our customer's goals, this could involve a higher upfront cost to give your site a quicker initial boost and then continuous improvement from there.

How long does SEO take?

Once initiated, SEO is a continuous process that requires maintenance and constant refinement. That being said, the initial setup of an SEO campaign can take anywhere from several weeks to several months. We usually expect to see results in 3 months. This depends on how often search engines like Google crawl your website and update the results. If your site has been penalised, it can take up to a year for them to work through the changes.

Does SEO work?

Yes. Without a doubt, SEO works to improve your website’s visibility in search engines. This is because a large part of SEO is ensuring that your website follows Google's best practice guidelines and optimising your content to capture more of your potential customers.

Do I need SEO for my website?

The easy answer is yes! We have yet to find a website that wouldn't benefit from SEO. However, before we take on any new customer, we run a comprehensive audit on your site and only recommend what we believe will work for you. We want all of our customers to be happy with our service! 

Do you carry out SEO work in-house?

Yes, we have a small team of SEO experts that are experienced in optimising websites for search, they receive regular training to keep their skills up to date.

Do you guarantee results?

As we have no control over the search engine algorithms, we cannot guarantee any customer a top spot in the search engine results pages. Any company that says they can is lying! That said we have yet to come across a website that can't be improved over time.

Will I lose any of the gains made from SEO if I stop?

If you stop doing SEO, your website will likely lose any ranking improvements it has made over time, in the same way as it takes a time to gain the results initially. However, it is possible to regain lost ground by starting SEO again. 

How long do I need to carry out SEO?

SEO is an ongoing process that needs to be carried out on a regular basis in order to be effective. There is no set amount of time that you need to carry out SEO for, as it will depend on your goals and the current state of your website. However, it is generally recommended that you carry out some SEO on a monthly basis in order to see the best results. 

How can I get started with SEO?

You can book a 30-minute appointment to discuss your specific needs with us here. We will conduct an audit and some research beforehand to go through our recommendations for you.

Can I do SEO myself?

The short answer is yes. However, there is a lot to learn, and the software used can be quite a commitment each month, especially for a single site. If you have the time we recommend trying a platform like SE Ranking, their platform can guide you through

Do you offer a customised SEO package?

While we have designed our SEO packages for most small and medium-sized businesses if you need something bespoke or a a larger business get in touch with us with your needs.

Which CMS platforms can you carry out SEO on?

We have experience carrying out SEO on Wordpress, Wix, Squarespace, Magento, and Shopify websites. But we can carry out SEO on any platform.

Does SEO increase sales?

Certainly! To achieve growth for your website, it is crucial to focus on two main areas: improving your ranking factors and increasing traffic through page optimisation and backlinks. By implementing these strategies, you can attract more visitors to your site.

However, it's not enough to just drive traffic; you also need to ensure that your website is designed effectively to convert those visitors into actual customers. This involves creating a user-friendly and persuasive design that encourages users to take action.

Additionally, for sustained growth, it is essential to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By sharing valuable insights and expertise, you can build credibility and attract a loyal following, leading to consistent growth over time.

Is SEO better than PPC ads?

There are different purposes for Google Ads and SEO. Google Ads is effective for achieving quick wins, while SEO focuses on establishing a sustainable, long-term business. In fact, SEO can generate more traffic to websites than Google Ads and social media combined.

Combining both strategies is likely to yield the best results, however, and it is normally our recommended approach, we even have special deals that combine our PPC and SEO packages.

SEO services for the Plumbing and Heating industry anywhere in the world.

Our main offices are in London, but we provide our best SEO services to brands all around the globe. You may already have a marketing strategy and key communication messages in place? Fabulous, we can work with you to ensure you’re getting your brand in front of more of who you want to, and encourage them to keep coming back for more.

If you’re a startup making your first footprints in the digital jungle and are curious as to how SEO not only fits into it, but can be used to optimise your strategy too, we can work with you to Find your Roar and build a strong presence.

Or, if you’re already the leader of the pack and want to retain your position — while young, hungry and scrappy cubs are clipping at your paws — then we can help secure your place in the jungle. For more info on our SEO services and for a free SEO audit of your site, give us a shout (or a roar!). We like talking.


Ready to get started? Contact us today!

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